Internet and Online Safety
The internet is exciting and a great way to find information, have fun, keep in touch with friends or to buy things! However, it is really important that children and young people know how to stay safe online and what to do if they feel that something isn't right. Online and internet safety are taught explicitly at Himbleton, as well as woven through the curriculum whenever relevant to children's learning.
Our Online Safety Policy is available on or Policies' page or by clicking here.
Below are some useful websites to support parents and children, as well as a direct link to the CEOPS to report abuse.
ThinkUKnow - lots of helpful advice for parents and carers about the internet, including the dark web, how to talk to children about online safety and how to access further support if there is a concern.
The UK Internet Safety Centre provides lots of online advice and support to help children and young people stay safe online.
CEOP's Jesse and Friends helps children to develop the skills and knowledge they need to help them stay safer when spending time online.
Designed for children to visit at home with their parents and carers, users complete 'badges' where they help the characters, Jessie, Tia and Mo, to identify when to 'Tell a Grown Up' (TAG) in different online situations.
Reporting Concerns
It is really important that online concerns are reported quickly. Children are taught this at school within their online safety curriculum. Below is a link to CEOP, a law enforcement agency designed to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. Please click the below to start your report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors (available to parents/carers and children)