Vision, Values and Aims
"The Christian Vision forms the foundation of the entire school. The commitment to 'Nurture, Nature, Knowledge' is evident throughout the school and practised daily."
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools - May 2024
Our Vision
Our Christian vision drives all that we do at Himbleton; it provides absolute clarity for why we do what we do, in all aspects of our work.
Our motto is underpinned by three key biblical quotes that have been chosen as they capture the essence of our purpose. These are:
“Faith, Hope, Love…the greatest of these is Love.” (Corinthians 13:13)
“So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you.” (Matthew 7:12)
“Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.” (Proverbs 18:15).
Our vision has a strong rooting in theological narrative.
At Himbleton, we believe that Christian love provides a solid and essential foundation for growth, with a focus on understanding and embracing the true, selfless love that God and Jesus demonstrated to us through the laying down of his life.
Our natural environment enables us to nurture the Fruits of the Spirit and can lead us to an appreciation of God’s glory. The wonder that the natural world evokes can inspire a personal dedication to God.
The Bible teaches us that one of the most important roles in life that we have is as an eternal student. Jesus wants us all to be disciples – on a journey of growth and learning. Not just academic growth, growth in every sense of the word.
Our Values
Six carefully chosen core Christian values help us to bring our vision to life in school. These are: Respect, Friendship, Perseverance, Truthfulness, Forgiveness and Courage. Each value provides a focus for our Collective Worship on a half-termly basis across the course of a school year, but all are referred to in all that we do.
These values provide a working framework and ongoing point of reference for conduct, decision-making and reflection at all levels. They help us to ensure that every member of our school community is happy, nurtured and know that they are cared for as part of our school family, and that our environment is valued and respected. Our Christian values help us to enable our children to develop a lifelong love of learning and a positive attitude to all that they do.
English, Maths and creativity provide the key focus at Himbleton CE Primary School and Nursery, along with a strong focus on outdoor learning and an introduction to Science to prepare our children for their future.