School Lunches
Research shows that a healthy midday meal has significant health and educational benefits, enabling children to concentrate better in afternoon lessons and helping them develop healthy eating habits. We are very pleased to be offering hot lunches provided by Aspens Vintage Catering here at Himbleton. The quality of food is fantastic and there is a good choice of healthy options each day.
The Government currently funds universal free lunches for all pupils from Reception to Year 2 to enable them to have a school-provided midday meal, although all children will need to register and make menu choices, regardless of year group, via the link below. For children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 there will therefore be no cost, although your child will need to either opt into the Universal Free School Meal scheme every day, or you will need to send your child to school with a healthy packed lunch every day.
However, parents and carers of children in Nursery, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will need to decide which days their child would like a school lunch and then order this, complete with online payment of £3.00 per day.
Meals must be ordered in advance; this can be done termly, weekly or even the night before if necessary!
Lunchtime for all children at Himbleton is from 12.00pm to 1.00pm.
Free School Meals
Free school meals are available to some families who are in receipt of certain government benefits, such as Income Support or Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance. Other benefits may qualify you to apply for Free School Meals for your child. Applying for a free school meal could raise extra funding for the school to fund valuable teaching and learning support and is still paid to the school even if your circumstances or entitlement ceases.
If your child does qualify, the school receives additional funding known as the Pupil Premium Grant. This grant will then apply to your child for 6 years. The funding is used to support your child educationally and can, in some instances, be used to pay for educational visits and extra-curricular activities.
In addition to this, your child may qualify for extra funding during their time at school through the Government Free School Meals grant. If you are in receipt of any benefits, your child may qualify for this grant and the school will receive additional funding throughout their time at Himbleton and would be eligible for the Holiday Activity and Food Programme.
If you would like more information, please talk to Mrs Stewart in the school office.