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Visiting our School

Open events are held in the Autumn Term prior to parents and carers making choices about their child's Reception place.  However, if you would like to visit the school at other times of the year or have a child in other year groups and are interested in transferring schools, please contact Mrs Stewart in the school office who will be able to arrange for you to visit.

Joining Himbleton

All admissions to Himbleton CE Primary School and Nursery for children in Reception to Year 6 are arranged by Worcestershire County Council.  Worcestershire County Council’s ‘Information for Parents Booklet on Admissions and Transfers to Schools’ is available to view online at:

The parents of ALL pupils resident in Worcestershire, including parents whose preference is for the catchment area school for the child’s home address, seeking a place at any First/Primary or Middle School, including any Academy, Foundation or Voluntary Aided Schools, and any School outside Worcestershire, must complete a Worcestershire LA Common Application Form (PA1).

Applications can be made online up until the closing date (15th January for First, Middle and Primary schools) by visiting

If you do not have access to the internet, Application Forms are available from the school or from the Local Worcestershire Hub.

The parents of pupils resident outside Worcestershire, but who wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, must complete an application form provided by the “home” LA. (The “home” LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the child’s home address). The “home” LA will ensure that the application details are passed onto Worcestershire LA for consideration in the allocation of school places.

For pupils resident in Worcestershire, the school offer notification will be sent direct to parents by the Pupil Admissions and Transfers Section, even if it is on behalf of the governing body of an Academy, Foundation or Voluntary Aided School, or a school in a neighbouring LA.

In the few cases where it may not be possible to offer a place at any of the preferences nominated on the application form, a place will be offered at the nearest school with available places.

The offer letter will include an acceptance/decline slip which must be returned by the date specified in the offer letter.

For pupils not resident in Worcestershire, the offer or refusal letters will be sent direct to parents by the home LA, even if it is for a school in Worcestershire.

Children can be admitted to our Nursery the term after their third birthday and further information is available in the Nursery section of this website. Government funding is available. Please contact the school office for further information.