Educational Visits
Across the academic year, all children have opportunities to build on and enhance both their curricular learning and social experiences through educational visits which are closely linked to the curriculum. Examples of such visits include weekly swimming lessons, exploration of the local area or a whole school visit to St Mary Magdalene Church, Himbleton, but may also take children further afield, such as enhancing English learning through a Shakespeare workshop in Stratford-upon-Avon or exploring creative skills at a 'Nature in Art' museum.
As children move through the school and develop their independence, they are offered educational visits which include residential experiences and adventurous activities.
Voluntary Contributions for Educational Visits
As a school, we will always ensure that the cost of educational visits and trips will represent value for money and will be kept to a minimum. We are also very grateful to the Friends of Himbleton who support the cost of educational visits as a result of their tireless fundraising. However, for many visits, parents and carers may be asked for a voluntary contribution towards the cost as without these the visit would not be possible. Whilst there is no obligation for parents and carers to make a voluntary contribution, it is important to note that if insufficient voluntary contributions are raised to fund a visit, or the school cannot fund it from some other source, then it will be cancelled.