Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am until the start of school from Monday to Friday during term time and is open to children from Nursery to Year 6. Run by experienced school staff, our club provides a calm, purposeful start to the school day, including the option for children to enjoy a healthy breakfast, as well as to socialise together before the school day.
A breakfast club session currently costs £4.00 and is bookable by completing a form which is available from the school office or is downloadable below. Bookings can be made in a block or on an ad-hoc basis to suit the needs of parents and carers' commitments.
After School Club
After-school care runs on site for children in Nursery to Year 6 from the end of the school day until 6pm, Monday to Friday term time only. The club is supervised by Empower Active staff who are experienced in childcare and who provide a range of indoor and outdoor activities for children to enjoy. Those staying for the later session are also offered a light tea.
All bookings are made on a booking form which is available from the school office or by downloading below.
Available sessions:
Session 1 - 3.15pm/3.20pm - 4.15pm - £5.50
Session 2 - 4.15pm to 5.00pm - £5.00 (can be used after extra-curricular clubs)
Session 3 - 5.00pm to 6.00pm - £5.50 (includes a light tea)
Whole session - 3.15/3.20 to 6.00pm - £14.00
Please see the terms and conditions for Wraparound Care below.